The way I practice design mimics the way I practice life.



My favorite class in college was beekeeping. I learned about the health of the hive and the work of the humble honey bee. Just like flowers, I have discovered better solutions come with the addition of diverse perspectives and input.



One of life’s simple pleasures is an organized to-do list. Creating structure from chaos, breaking complex problems into bite-sized pieces, and plotting an action plan is how I tackle tasks big and small. 



I enjoy cooking in a style I like to call kitchen jazz — creating inventive recipes with whatever ingredients I have on hand. Designing within set visual systems can be similar to cooking with limited supplies: if you master the basics, use your imagination, and pay attention to the details, you can make something truly delicious.


One for all

I believe the most important characteristic of any team is a playful sense of camaraderie. A healthy habitat begins with a deep-rooted respect for your co-conspirators, transparent communication, intentionally cultivated collaboration, and a healthy dose of fun.